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Regatta Hero

We are glad you decided to use Regatta Hero.

Online Manual

PDF Manual


Video: App Onboarding iPhone

Video: App Onboarding Android

Where to keep the smartphone?

Below we want to briefly explain how to use the app.

After the first start of the app, first accept the license terms (red button). Then follow the on-screen instructions. Request the login data (organization and passcode) from the regatta organizer. It is especially important to enter the correct Yardstick number (or Texel or SCHRS rating). If all boats are from the same class, just enter Yardstick 100.

Only when all data has been entered can you activate the toggle switch at the top of the app. Make sure to do this in time before the regatta starts.

Please make sure to read the following important notes!

For the GPS position to be continuously transmitted, the smartphone must be worn outside the cabin and preferably on the upper body or arm!!. This is because the smartphone will detect movement, even with little wind and waves. Attention: Without a GPS signal, you will be excluded from the ranking!

Therefore, be sure to follow the guidelines below:

Dinghy, Catamaran or Surfboard

On a dinghy or catamaran, store the smartphone in the pocket of your life jacket, ideally in a waterproof protective case (available cheaply anywhere). Or hang the waterproof protective case around your neck (under the life jacket!). This way, the smartphone is close to your ear, and you can hear all announcements (e.g., during the start) even in strong wind.

Important: If you store the smartphone in the life jacket or hang it around your neck under the life jacket, first enter the boat data via the "Participate in Regatta" menu item, then activate "Boat Tracking active" with the toggle switch at the top of the app. After ensuring that the app is active (orange color at the top of the title bar), lock the screen by pressing the side button.

This prevents any accidental activation of functions on the app during the regatta. The smartphone will continue sending its GPS position even when the screen is off.

Watch the following YouTube video.


Keel Yacht or Cabin Boat

On a keel yacht or similar, it's best to store the smartphone in a waterproof protective case and hang it around your neck. Alternatively, you can use an arm pouch (like joggers use). Under no circumstances (!) should the smartphone be stowed away somewhere without access to the sky, such as in the cabin. Also, keeping it in your pocket is not enough — it should be on the upper body or arm! Otherwise, there may be no GPS signal, and the boat may not be counted!

Important: If you store the smartphone on your arm or hang it around your neck under your life jacket, first enter the boat data via the "Join Regatta" menu, then activate "Boat Tracking" using the toggle switch at the top. Once you've ensured the app is active (the top title bar should turn orange), press the side button to activate the lock screen.

This prevents accidentally triggering a function on the app interface during the regatta. The smartphone continues to send its GPS position in the background (or when the display is off).

Regatta Start and Web Viewer

When setting up the regatta and using the browser interface (Web Viewer), there are some important things to consider. It is recommended to schedule an individual training session (free) via the contact form. However, it is easy and quick to understand.


If you need further support, please email us at